Timber Hoarding

Timber hoarding is the first line of defence against debris and other objects or people entering into a construction site. These sturdy boards are made from high-grade plywood, and they can be free-standing or attached to building structures.

Metal Hoarding

Metal sheets with a riveted frame and snap-on clamps have many applications in the building industry. Between construction sites and other professional functions, they ensure your private or exclusive property is safe from prying eyes while also remaining mobile to allow for parking and access when needed.

Temporary Hoarding

If you’re looking for the perfect and most affordable temporary hoarding solution to get you through your upcoming construction project, look no further. Our temporary hoarding services are specially designed and we will handle both assembly and dismantling of the fencing.


Whether you choose to use metal or timber hoarding, Metcalfe Fencing & Land Services can assist and guide you towards the full installation process. We also offer a dismantling service, where if needed, we can also safely store your hoarding ready for the next job, wherever it may be. We are a CHAS accredited. A member of Construction Line. A member of The Association Of Fencing Industries. We are also Personal Track Safety (PTS) Qualified.